Why do we need nature-based solutions?

Diego Arreola Fernandez

Nature-based solutions are the ones that produce the least amount of waste, greenhouse gas emissions or environmental degradation. Nature-based solutions mean we’re just doing things how they’re supposed to be done!

Why do we need nature-based solutions?

Heather Brockbank

Seeking non-nature based solutions is like trying to use water to put out an electrical fire. It just won’t work and can even lead to being more harmful than helpful. In order to truly return to the original state of climate safety, we have to go back to a time where nature thrived and use the resources gifted to us by mother nature to create successful climate solutions.

Why do we need nature-based solutions?

Chanté Davis

Nature has always provided solutions to remain resilient against the Earth’s naturally changing climate. To combat the irreversible climate crisis and save humanity, we must look to those same nature-based solutions.

Why do we need nature-based solutions?

Dejea Lyons

With using nature-based solutions there can be an increase in carbon storage and avoidance of greenhouse gases.

Why do we need nature-based solutions?

Oluwaseyi Moejoh

Nature-based solutions like forests and trees help sequester carbon; they help to restore and sustain ecosystems and protect biodiversity. However, it is important to note that nature-based solutions cannot exclusively solve the climate crisis. There is a crucial need to cut down carbon emissions through effective policies whilst advancing nature-based solutions.

Why do we need nature-based solutions?

Hannah Testa

Climate change is looming, and there is little time to act before it is too late. We need to enact solutions from every angle to mitigate the climate crisis.